Consejo de la semana: anillos divididos frente a anillos de salto

Consejo de la semana: anillos divididos frente a anillos de salto

A menudo me preguntan qué anillos partidos recomiendo para usar en joyería, y muchas personas se sorprenden al descubrir que los anillos partidos en realidad no son buenos para joyería.

Si bien los anillos partidos son maravillosos para placas de identificación, llaveros y tiradores de cremalleras, no son muy adecuados para joyería por varias razones clave:

Extremos expuestos : los anillos partidos tienen dos extremos, al igual que los anillos de salto, pero los extremos de los anillos partidos están expuestos y pueden desgastar la piel cuando se usan en joyería, mientras que los extremos de los anillos de salto están cerrados al ras entre sí.

Enganches : debido a las puntas expuestas, los anillos partidos también pueden enganchar suéteres y cabello, especialmente si se han extendido. Si un anillo de salto está cerrado correctamente, nunca debería engancharse ni rayarse.

Extensión : Sí, los anillos partidos pequeños son conocidos por extenderse al armar una pieza o bajo mucho peso y uso. El espacio resultante puede permitir que un amuleto o una conexión salga del alcance de los anillos partidos.

Y por último, pero no menos importante, existe la ilusión de seguridad adicional que brindan los anillos partidos del tamaño de una joya. La fuerza y ​​la integridad se pierden al reducir el calibre y el tamaño y ya no son la conexión más segura. El tamaño del anillo partido que se selecciona comúnmente para uso en joyería es demasiado débil ya que el calibre del alambre utilizado es demasiado delgado, generalmente calibre 20 (0,81 mm de espesor) o calibre 22 (0,64 mm de espesor). Los anillos partidos para hacer llaveros, tiradores de cremalleras o para colgar una etiqueta para mascotas son de al menos calibre 16 (1,2 mm de grosor) o más gruesos.


  • Heidi – you sound like that old stereotype where the stubborn husband is lost and refusing to ask for directions. Your assertion that asking for help is a ‘millennial’ issue is ridiculous; in fact, teaching others how to make things and apprenticeships have been the norm throughout human history. Just because you chose to struggle instead of going to the library to read a book or asking someone else for help doesn’t make you special…. actually, it makes you sound quite stupid, and the only person who appears to be lacking common sense here is YOU.

    P.S. It’s worth taking a bit of extra time to reread what you’ve written to check for spelling and grammatical errors, especially when critiquing the intelligence of others. You claim to be old, so surely you know that ‘u’ is not the proper way to spell ‘you’. Perhaps you need to re-evaluate the association you’ve made between only appearing smart and the existence of the internet.

    Melanie en

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    Fernotteerart en

  • This post was very useful as the problem I was solving was how to make a chainmaille bracelet as tough as possible so it could be worn at a manual job and not suffer too much wear or tear in daily use. The strength of Spilt Rings appealed for that reason but the cons you mention outweighs their potential use in my project. Nobody comes into this world with an instruction book for anything, so people like yourself willing to address issues like these is passing on KNOWLEDGE not just information. Thank you.

    Xenia Maranis en

  • Thank you for posting this information. I am new to to chainmaille and was looking for a concise answer to just this question…When to use a jump ring vs. a split ring. To those of us who are new to this art, the answer isn’t obvious and it is far more sensible to ask a question than to spend a year flailing around and becoming frustrated and surly.

    Gretchen S en

  • To Heidi’s question, I needed this information because I am not creating the jewelry myself – I’m ordering jewelry on Etsy as a birthday gift for someone. I know nothing about jewelry making. As I’m purchasing the gift, there is an option for a jump ring attachment or split ring attachment, so I wanted to research it before selecting which one to order for my custom charm bracelet. I think researching the answer is in fact a form of solving the problem.

    Maria en

  • I appreciate you posting this, but I’m curious who is asking this? Obviously, it’s clear what is made for what. I never watched anyone, took a class, asked a question and I’ll tell u my first year of jewelry making was embarrassing. I’m grateful I’m old and there was only a store which sold beads, etc. There was no internet. People never solve problems anymore, making everyone appear smarter, but in reality, no common sense.

    Heidi Hofkamp en

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