3 paños sin pelusa Dupont - Perfectos para limpiar, aplicar cera y pulir - Reutilizables


Estos Paños Profesionales Sin Pelusa son los que siempre tenemos cerca en nuestro taller. Son perfectos para:

-eliminar huellas dactilares
-aplicar cera selladora
-pulido de plata esterlina, latón, bronce y cobre

Los amamos porque:

-son una alternativa económica a la tela y se pueden lavar hasta cinco veces
-son tan fuertes y duraderos como la tela
-son tan suaves como el tejido y no rayan
-resisten disolventes

Cada listado es para 3 paños azules GRANDES que normalmente cortamos en cuartos. Miden 18 pulgadas X 18 pulgadas.
O... ¡Compre al por mayor y ahorre!

¿Preguntas? Contáctenos.

Materiales: paños de limpieza.

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Eve W.
5 stars review from Eve

5 stars review from Eve

Abby O.
5 stars review from Abby

5 stars review from Abby

Colin T.
5 stars review from Colin

5 stars review from Colin

Michele E.
good product, good service and can not wai...

good product, good service and can not wait to try it

Michele E.
good product, good service and can not wai...

good product, good service and can not wait to try it

Susan B.
I've not yet tried the Lint Free Cloths, w...

I've not yet tried the Lint Free Cloths, which I purchased for waxing and buffing, but they feel great and are of high quality. Speedy shipping too....I would recommend this Seller!

Susan B.
I've not yet tried the Lint Free Cloths, w...

I've not yet tried the Lint Free Cloths, which I purchased for waxing and buffing, but they feel great and are of high quality. Speedy shipping too....I would recommend this Seller!