Alambre de color titanio - 100% de garantía - Cobre recubierto esmaltado que no se deslustra - USTED elige el calibre 16 - 18 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 24 - 26 - 28


¡Este alambre de cobre recubierto esmaltado de COLOR TITANIO es el mismo excelente alambre que usamos para hacer nuestros anillos y fornituras de alta calidad y es perfecto para una apariencia de plata antigua! El metal base es cobre, por lo que tiene un peso considerable. Primero se baña en plata, luego se aplica el color TITANIO y luego se hornea una capa de esmalte transparente. No se deslustra y es perfecto para proyectos de trabajo liviano a mediano. Calificamos que este cable sea 1/4 de duro.

Half Round y Square en este mismo cable de alta calidad están disponibles en calibre 18 y 21 y se identifican con HR y SQ en el menú desplegable.

►Garantizamos que el cable que reciben nuestros clientes estará 100% libre de defectos y tendrá la longitud y el calibre correctos. Si hay algún problema, le enviaremos un reemplazo gratuito. ¡No se hicieron preguntas! También le enviaremos un sobre estampado con su dirección y de forma gratuita para devolver la bobina defectuosa.

¿Preguntas? Háganoslo saber y le responderemos en seguida.

Materiales: alambre de cobre recubierto esmaltado que no se deslustra, no contiene níquel ni plomo.

Customer Reviews

Based on 103 reviews
Margaret G.
Very helpful seller. She contacted me imm...

Very helpful seller. She contacted me immediately when there was a delay in delivery. When the product arrived I liked if very much. Nice quality and great service.

Margaret G.
I purchased wire from this vendor. I love...

I purchased wire from this vendor. I love it and will purchase from this shop again!

Miranda V.
Everything shipped very quickly and was pa...

Everything shipped very quickly and was packaged with care. I had a lot of problems accessing the tutorial, but the seller kept working with me until the issue was resolved. I will definitely be back to do business with her again.

Miranda V.
Everything shipped very quickly and was pa...

Everything shipped very quickly and was packaged with care. I had a lot of problems accessing the tutorial, but the seller kept working with me until the issue was resolved. I will definitely be back to do business with her again.

Alexia W.
Absolutely nothing like described or pictu...

Absolutely nothing like described or pictured - pretty certain I was sent the wrong thing.

Carrie H.
5 stars review from Carrie

5 stars review from Carrie

Telski B.
5 stars review from Telski

5 stars review from Telski